About our reporting

Data and commentary in Air New Zealand's 2024 Annual Report is for the year starting 1 July 2023 and ending 30 June 2024 unless otherwise stated.

Air New Zealand's organisational boundary for sustainability reporting encompasses the companies listed in the 2024 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report which incorporates legal entities or facilities over which Air New Zealand has operational control, unless otherwise stated.

We welcome your feedback and comments - please contact us.

Our material issues

Our purpose at Air New Zealand is to enrich our country through connecting New Zealanders to each other and New Zealand to the world. Our material issues relate to how Air New Zealand delivers on this and creates value for our stakeholders and our business.

Each year we identify our material issues based on the following factors:

  • Significance of the issue to stakeholders – including our customers, employees, partners, investors and the communities in which we operate
  • Importance of the issue to Air New Zealand
  • Air New Zealand's ability to control and/or influence the issue

Our material issues inform our strategic priorities, sustainability approach and reporting. Our Sustainability Framework contains our strategy, focus areas and associated targets.  

We engage with a wide range of stakeholders, internally and externally, to identify our material issues. We also consider:

  • Feedback from customers, investors and communities
  • Topics raised by our Board of Directors
  • Feedback from our Executive team and Senior Leaders Forum
  • Risks identified in our Enterprise Risk Management Profile and business planning processes
  • Engagement with Air New Zealand's Sustainability Advisory Panel and other experts
  • Engagement with key industry and sustainability bodies

Our material issues for 2024 that we have reported on, are:

  • Caring for New Zealanders
  • Climate action 
  • Driving towards a circular economy
  • Sustainable tourism